Version 2.54
June 25, 2024
New feature: Glide Rate analysis tool. |
Created CSV column remapping configuration file for GRT Sport EX EFIS. If you use this EFIS contact us for a copy of the configuration file and instructions for installation. |
Handle times in regions where a period is used in place of a colon. For example in some regions the time 13:53:11 is displayed as 13.53.11 |
Bug fix - During CSV file extraction oil pressures without a defined scale were assumed to be in "Hg, this has been changed to PSI. |
Version 2.53
December 30, 2023
Improved support for reading MGL EFIS xTreme CSV files. |
Added explicit support for rotor RPM. (Only some versions of the MGL data files support rotor RPM.) |
Bug fix - Correctly displays fuel pressure when MBAR is selected as the display scale. |
Version 2.52
July 24, 2023
Added CSV remap functionality to handle non-standard/inconsistent CSV data files. |
Bug fix - User's temp folder path can now include spaces and the view flight in Google Earth will work correctly. |
Version 2.51
June 16, 2023
Dynon files now correctly recognize QNH (local barometric pressure). |
MGL only. Systems with two RDACs AND where all the CHTs & EGTs are on the second RDAC are correctly processed. |
Version 2.49
April 16, 2023
Import flight data from XPlane. |
Version 2.48
December 20, 2022
Internal release to test enhanced EV code signing certificate. |
Version 2.47
September 17, 2022
Fix for GPS location bug introduced in version 2.46. Some FDXML files could not be loaded. |
Added ability to define limits for RPM and coolant temperature. |
Version 2.46
September 9, 2022
New feature: user can define limit and warning levels for CHT, EGT, oil temperature and oil pressure. Values above/below limits or within warning ranges are graphically marked on graphs and in the data table. Instructions |
Version 2.45
July 6, 2022
Dynon users only: Some black box data recordings include a 17 second skip back in time. Also handles other incorrectly written time values in the file. |
Experimental functionality, do not use. Export to X-Plane. |
Version 2.44
May 25, 2022
Small bug fix for all analysis tools. These tools require a range greater than one second to be selected before the analysis tool is run. In some cases a one second range was allowed and would cause the analysis tool to fail. |
Version 2.43
May 17, 2022
Dynon users only: Some black box data recordings include a 17 second skip back in time. The skip back is due to the GPS clock changing during the flight. This version shifts the times so that all are unique and correct. |
Version 2.42
May 8, 2022
New feature: added 'Fuel Economy' analysis. Requires fuel flow and GPS data. |
'Takeoff Performance' analysis will use GPS groundspeed if IAS is not available. |
AoA is shown in the data grid and on the animated EFIS display. Very few EFIS devices actually record AoA data. |
Fixed bug when there is a discontinuity in the flight data. |
Version 2.41
March 5, 2022
Advanced Flight Systems only - now correctly reads the TAS, VSI, G force, and fuel pressure from the recorded data file. |
RPM vs fuel flow analysis tool has been enhanced to also include true airspeed. |
Version 2.39
February 15, 2022
Can measure flight distance using the 'Flight Path' display tab. Select desired portion of flight path and then select 'Analyze' -> 'Statistics'. |
Can now optionally view/export GoogleEarth data for the entire or selected flight path. |
Version 2.38
Decenber 22, 2021
Added functionality to extract RDAC temperature from supporting CSV files. |
Version 2.37
October 26, 2021
Small enhancement for users of Garmin devices. Recognizes and handles additional variants of 'RPM' CSV header. |
Small enhancement for users of EFIS devices that do not record the altimeter setting (QNH). The 'IAS Calibration' tool formally required QNH, now it will fall back to use actual outside air pressure (if available). |
Version 2.36
September 15, 2021
New feature: Experimental! Airports can be shown on the flight path. |
Enhancement: MGL devices emit CSV files with slightly different schemas. This version will recognize all versions (to date). |
Version 2.35
July 25, 2021
New! Level Acceleration Climb Rate tool. This is an experimental release. Please report all issues to the developer. Thanks! KitPlanes article explaining the 'Level Acceleration Climb Rate' method. |
Bug fix: Garmin made some arbitrary changes to the column headers in their CSV files. This was discovered on a Garmin G3X system. The Flight Data Viewer now reads both Garmin CSV file schemas. |
Bug fix: Additional fixes related to the analysis tools for computers setup with locales (culture settings) where the US convention for number radix and separators is reversed. For example in the US a number is formatted as 123,456.78. That same number in Germany is formatted as 123.456,78 |
Version 2.34
July 6, 2021
New! Now supports Electronics International MVP-50 engine monitors. |
New! Now supports Advanced Flight Systems EFIS. |
Fixes for extracting CSV files on computers setup with locales (culture settings) where the US convention for number radix and separators is reversed. For example in the US a number is formatted as 123,456.78. That same number in Germany is formatted as 123.456,78 |
Version 2.33
June 14, 2021
New! RPM / fuel flow analysis tool |
Fixes for MGL EMS Extreme G2 CSV file format: correctly read GPS altitude, filter out 0 x 0 GPS coordinates on flight path/Google Earth/KML export, and parse manifold pressure correctly. |
Can read the new MGL EMS Extreme G2 CSV file format which includes column headers. Required for MGL EMS firmware version 2.08 or higher. |
Version 2.32
March 18, 2021
-- External release of 2.31
Static port calibration tool. |
Support for MGL EMS Extreme G2 CSV export file format. |
Added legend on the altitude graph (pressure/GPS/AGL). |
New! New KML data merge tool. Allows GPS data recorded on external devices (ex: iPad running ForeFlight) to be merged with data recorded by a EFIS/EMS. [ Contact developer for instructions for downloading and using this tool. ] View details and instructions for use. |
Version 2.31
January 25, 2021
-- Internal release
New! Static port calibration tool. |
Support for MGL EMS Extreme G2 CSV export file format. |
Version 2.29
December 1, 2020
Bug fix: Some rare combinations of data could cause the IAS Calibration tool to not work correctly. |
Version 2.28
November 29, 2020
Bug fix (for Dynon users only): The local barometric pressure (QNH) was not read correctly from the CSV file. |
Performance enhancement (for Dynon users only): Only one sample per second is saved. |
Bug fix: When the playback feature was running defining or selecting a range would cause a fault. Now the playback is automatically stopped when an incompatible function is invoked. |
Version 2.27
October 4, 2020
New! Indicated Airspeed Calibration tool! View details and instructions for use. |
New: Can edit and delete ranges. Just click on the data grid using the secondary mouse button and select 'Edit Existing Ranges'. |
New: Added a copy button to the 'Statistics Analysis' tool. Data can be pasted into any application such as Excel or notepad. |
New: Feature added to the 'Climb and Glide Rate Analysis tool'. You can now permanently delete data points. |
Minor bug fix: Incorrect bank and pitch direction labels in the data grid have been fixed. |
Minor bug fix: User could click on a graph or the flight path while the flight playback feature was active. This would move the cursor momentarily but it would immediately pop back to the running playback position. Now clicking while playback is active will have no effect. To set the cursor stop playback first. |
Version 2.24
August 18, 2020
Large files (with flights longer than about 1-1/2 hours) load faster and use less memory. |
For Dynon users - Added % power graph and column. |
For Dynon users - Added fuel pressure column. Added option to select fuel pressure scale (PSI, Millibar, " Mercury) to the Options dialog. |
Selecting ranges is now much faster. |
If you select a range before exporting data to a CSV file (full or Savvy) only the data in the selected range is exported. |
Some columns that do not contain any data will no longer be included in the data grid. For example: AGL, slip. |
For Dynon users - Fixed the 'Local Time' for data extracted from Dynon files. The displayed value (first column) will be the local time of the flight event. The next column shows the time since the flight started. (Note: You can click on the 'Time (Local)' column header and the data will switch to 'Time (Zulu)'. Clicking again switches it back.) |
'Analyze' --> 'Statistics'. You can now select the number of decimal places to display. Useful for values like fuel flow. |
Fixed the fuel usage box in the fuel flow graph. (Note: To change the fuel used units you'll need to change the fuel volume units on the data configuration.) |
Version 2.23
July 3, 2020
Bug fix for users of versions 2.21 and 2.22. When changing options the application will save changes then terminate when the OK button is pressed. |
Version 2.22
June 7, 2020
Now support Garmin flight data recording files! |
Better support for exporting data to CSV files on computers outside the US that use a different floating point number representation.
For example in the US the constant π is displayed as 3.1416, but in many parts of the world is displayed as 3,1416 |
Version 2.21
April 29, 2020
Now support GRT flight data recording files! (Only exported CSV files, not binary LOG files.) |
Version 2.20
February 1, 2020
Now support Dynon Skyview flight data recording files! |
Improved real-time playback of flight data. |
Version 2.19
Released December 24, 2019
No changes that would affect existing users. |
Changed the 'Options' user interface to better model 2 RDAC configurations. Enabled renaming of some parameters. |
Updated the 'Analog' 'Options' tab to explicitly state that there is a bug in the MGL software that causes random/invalid data to be stored for analog ports. The data displayed from analog ports is therefore unusable and should be ignored until MGL fixes this bug. |
Version 2.18
Released November 14, 2019
Improved algorithm for takeoff performance analysis feature. |
Version 2.16 and 2.17
Released September 30, 2019
Bug fix for takeoff performance analysis feature. |
Version 2.15
Released September 25, 2019
New: Added takeoff performance analysis feature. |
Can now right click on CHT and EGT graphs to select which cylinders are included. |
Added density/pressure altitude calculator. Under 'Help', 'Tools' |
Improved rendering of flight path graphic by altering aspect ratio. |
When the graphs pane is narrowed or widened the new size is saved and used when future flights are opened. |
Text 'Auto Pilot Engaged' displayed on EFIS graphic when appropriate. |
Version 2.14
Released April 5, 2019
Increased the number of supported cylinders from 6 to 12. Added 'Options' setting to allow for installations where the CHT and EGT probes are installed on two different RDACs. |
Version 2.13
Released March 26, 2019
Version 2.12
Released February 18, 2019
Added remaining fuel level graph. |
Can now export the data to a CSV file. |
Added true airspeed, density altitude, and pressure altitude calculator. Access from the 'Help' menu. |
Added the ability to use a 'magic number' to correct barometric pressure. Only needed for some, but not all MGL devices that use the older 'Enigma.rec' file format. |
Now writing the user's locale to the extracted flight information file. This allows users to share these files when the users are in regions of the world which use different date formats. |
Version 2.11
Released December 27, 2018
Fuel remaining now accounts for more than one fuel tank. |
Added a setting to limit the number of flight data windows that can be open at a time. The default is 15. A large number of open windows consumed excessive memory. |
Added a 'Help Tips' window which is displayed on startup. |
Multiple flight data (*.FDXML) files can be opened from the Windows command line. |
Bug fix. Fuel flow when displayed in liters/hour is now correct. |
Bug fix for the older 'Enigma.rec' file format. Only affected users below the equator. Longitude and latitude are now correctly extracted from the data file. |
Bug fix for the older 'Enigma.rec' file format. Bank angle displayed in the EFIS window was reversed. |
Version 2.9
Released December 6, 2018
Added graph zoom feature. |
Workaround for a bug in the older 'Engima.rec' file format. In some cases the compass and GPS headings were stored incorrectly by the EFIS (values are 10 times too large). |
Version 2.8
Released November 3, 2018
Bug fix for the older 'Enigma.rec' file format. The MGL firmware may store invalid event dates. These events are now ignored. |
Workaround for a bug in the older 'Engima.rec' file format. When the RDAC uses 'J' type CHT thermocouples the temperature stored in the recording file is incorrect. Check the 'Correct MGL CHT Temperature Probe Firmware Bug?' option to invoke the workaround. |
Version 2.7
Released October 4, 2018
Display voltage and current. Only available on Enigma and Extreme Mini. Current value is usually unreliable. |
Display G-force reading on EFIS display when it is above 1.4 G. |
Better handling of current row selection in the details 'spreadsheet' when using the playback control. Retains currently viewed columns. |
Added new AHRS (Yaw) equipment enables in 'Options'. Previously selecting AHRS displayed pitch, bank and yaw columns. The saved AHRS (Yaw) value is meaningless on most EFIS systems. Default value is 'do not display'. |
Added help tips to many of the 'Options'. |
Version 2.5
Released September 12, 2018
Bug fix: Some users couldn't view flight using Google Earth. |
Support for twin engine aircraft. |
Can now select flight events from the 'flight path' graph. |
Version 2.4
Released September 4, 2018
Bug fix: Displaying correct altitude. Previous versions switched pressure and local altitudes. |
Display local and corrected barometric pressures in data grid. |
Bug fix: If GPS position didn't change flight path display would crash application. |
Improved user interface for climb rate analysis. |
Improved analog data port configuration dialogs. Added suggested values for configuring the EFIS for various devices. |
Version 2.3
Released August 14, 2018
Added EFIS graphic display for viewing current flight parameters. Bar graph display has been retained. |
Version 2.2
Released August 7, 2018
Added display of additional engines parameters: aux oil and pressure; aux temps 1-4; coolant temp; inlet temp; inlet pressure; boost pressure; fuel pressure and aux flow rate. |
Suppress erroneous far jumps in recorded GPS data. |
Version 2.1
Released July 28, 2018
Bug fix: Retain user settings after upgrade. |
Added 'Visit Website' to 'Help' menu. |